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"Lotos" New World ReligionDate: 2010.05.27 What might be a new unified world religion? From each school will take the best of humanity, and the worst — wrongly, idle and pulling back — it will throw. After all, every religion is "the remnants of the old, and in every school, even the best, along with the truth there are errors. I sincerely hope and believe that humankind, through reflection, observation, creativity and practical activities, will be able to understand how is it the right way.
Are bringing a bright future, acting "as if" ...
We do not yet know precisely what specific form will the new world religion. But what do we do now? Like us, regardless of religion, to engage in constructive work of the New Age? In connection with the search for the answer to this question, I thought about the method, which gives Tibetan teacher: live, "as if ...". As if what we want to achieve, was already a reality. Then I imagined how I and others — are able to act, if true, scientifically-correct new world religion has been given to people and worked powerfully against evil and violence, against terrorism and selfishness. To do this, I remembered that we are all very important to Pray some simple universal, common to all the prayers five times a day.
"Lotus" new world religion (Lyumila Golubovska)
I, for example, so imagine the future of religion: 1) From Buddhism we take the Noble Eightfold Path: the subordination of emotion mind and reasonable limitation of desires and boundless peace, meditation, gives wisdom, comprehension of harmony and proportionality, and right — speech, actions and lifestyles. 2) From Christianity we shall love your neighbor and an absolute dedication to his superior, the idea of resurrection as a spiritual human beings, love of the Heavenly Mother, Mother of God, spiritual female essence of our planet, Roerichs — Mother of the World. 3) From Islam, we take the regular hourly prayer and throat singing, audible to the entire city. The strength of the Muslim religion and its intensity distribution in the world today is connected with a collective prayer for hours, and spiritual songs, audible to all (as they sing the imams in the Muslim cities of throat singing), so that all people at a time when they hear the prayer, may offer their thoughts to the highest. A collective prayer on the clock in the form of audible all throat singing — just corresponds Seventh ray, and forcing power to materialize for those who perform these rituals 4) From the Indian teacher, we take the power of religious rituals, updating them with the time. From the spiritual practices of India we take dance and song, performed for the higher beings in the joy, the joy that is so lacking in the Christian church, because she made an overemphasis on the suffering. 5) From the esoteric teachings, we take a monthly meditation allows you to communicate with the Hierarchy, the Masters of Wisdom and conduct the Earth Higher energy, a new world prayer, "Great call," and the idea of connecting themselves with the Higher Self. 6) Ways of life we take from the school of Pythagoras, and Steiner Ayvanhova: meeting the sunrise with spiritual songs, eating with prayers and meditations, and spiritual dances, eurythmy, Paneurhythmy, 7) For the healing of humanity will take the energy of Reiki and the methods of ancient Chinese medicine, which are suitable for the new century. 8) From modern psychology, we take the right speech, an appeal to internal resources, taking responsibility for their lives, from the psychology of the future — the science of the Seven Rays. I think that I have listed, not all of that absorbed in myself — in joy and power of the new show One World Religion. From each school will take the best of humanity, and the worst — wrongly, idle and pulling back — it will throw. After all, every religion is "the remnants of the old, and in every school, even the best, along with the truth there are errors. I sincerely hope and believe that humankind, through reflection, observation, creativity and practical activities, will be able to understand how is it the right way. Are bringing a bright future, acting "as if" ... We do not yet know precisely what specific form will the new world religion. But what do we do now? Like us, regardless of religion, to engage in constructive work of the New Age? In connection with the search for the answer to this question, I thought about the method, which gives Tibetan teacher: live, "as if ...". As if what we want to achieve, was already a reality. Then I imagined how I and others — are able to act, if true, scientifically-correct new world religion has been given to people and worked powerfully against evil and violence, against terrorism and selfishness. To do this, I remembered that we are all very important to Pray some simple universal, common to all the prayers five times a day. For example, a Tibetan teacher gives one of his disciple following method ... "I'm going to offer you the five points of adjustment for each day: When waking in the morning, before podemom.2. In polden.3. In the hour of sunset 4. In the evening, before-snom.5. During ... meditation, whenever you decide to do it "(A. Bailey," William N., Vol 2). - Why Five? - Because such frequent recourse to prayer to the Lord allows our consciousness to hold for days at a maximum height. In addition, it attracts positive forces of nature, giving the power of the Force of Light and the opportunity for them to appear on Earth.
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